Parent & Student Information

Dearest Northside Families, 

EVERY family needs to complete the Free and Reduced Meals Application in order to determine eligibility. 

You can complete the application online by clicking the following link School Meals Application OR you can complete the application in person by filling out the yellow form that will be coming home with your child and returning it to your classroom teacher.

The application is used to calculate funding for several school programs which are aimed at reducing class size, funding professional development, all day kindergarten, small group instruction, classroom materials, internet services, and much more. 

As always, we appreciate your support!!! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 

Mrs. Majors 

Northside Elementary Principal

 School Meals Menu 

Online Payment for School Meals 

Breakfast (Includes: 1 Entrée, 1 side dish when applicable, 2 fruit , 1 low fat or fat free milk)

Grades Pre-K through 6th = $2.00

Lunch (Includes: 1 Entrée, 1 side dish when applicable, 1 fruit, 2 vegetables, 1 low fat or fat free milk (variety)

Grades Pre-K through 6th = $3.25

Husky Gear- Every Friday at Northside we wear our Northside Husky gear!  Please see the attachment for our Northside Husky gear order form. There are items, aprons, fanny packs, blankets, bags, etc. We hope you like what you see.

Here is the  link to browse and place your order.

Once you order, Mrs. Gillis will notify you when your order has been filled. At that time you will pay Sand Creek in Sandpoint directly when you pick up your order.  

Sand Creek Custom Wear, 404 Cedar St, Sandpoint, ID 83864